Capacity Building Workshop. Energy efficiency in the agri-food industry: the results of EU-MERCI project and the technical validation of the good practices selected

8th November 2017, Rimini. Agri-food sector is one of the key sectors for industry in Italy and Europe. A number of changes have been introduced for several years to improve energy efficiency in production processes and, more generally, to optimize the use of resources throughout the supply chain until distribution.

The EU-MERCI project analyzed and selected a number of good practices available to meet industry needs (including SMEs), bringing together concrete experiences, international best practices and evidence from incentive mechanisms in Europe to produce a platform for the benefit of businesses, which can identify opportunities for intervention for each stage of the process. The conference, in addition to illustrating the web platform, produced a technical “validation exercise” by the experts present, of the good practices selected and some industrial “case studies” have been presented on practical applications of such good practices in agri-food businesses.

Download the proceedings:

Introduction to the EU-MERCI workshop, Maurizio Notarfonso – Federalimentare

The EU-MERCI project: an opportunity for industrial stakeholders, Simone Maggiore – RSE

European Industrial Energy Efficiency good Practices (EIEEP) platform, Anna Realini – RSE; Livio De Chicchis, FIRE

Energy efficiency in the agri-food industry: the results of EU-MERCI project and the technical validation of the good practices selected, Luca Zanchi – Fedabo

Energy efficiency in the agri-food industry: the results of EU-MERCI project and the technical validation of the good practices selected, Francesca Dell’Anna – Gesco

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